About Me

Call me Lottie if you want. 17 years old girl who loves shopping.
Obsession in good food! :]

Thursday 9 June 2011

A Midnight Post

It's 1:55a.m., I bet most of the human are sleeping now, they might be snoring too. :P
Guess what's the most suffocate thing that happen on me right now?
Insomnia entangled with me and I can only get rid of it by reading books or facing computers that could make my eyes feel tired.
Currently, I only feel a little drowsiness but it still couldn't make me asleep so I decide to waste my time by surfing internet.

Yes I know, kill me now.
Ultraviolet radiation from computer is now harming my skin but I couldn't resist the temptation from internet.
(Just bullshitting, ignore me please.)

I am going to have 6 hours of Add Maths tuition lesson tomorrow morning start from 9 o' clock continuously with one hour of break only.
Apparently it sounds scary because I have to face a lot of massive mathematical questions for 6 hours.
I have to wake up quite early the next day but I am still awake at this time.
Gosh, rescue me from this suffocating situation.

Thanks to the advanced technology, by using Google I have found out something:
Get up and move around when constantly using computer, take a rest from the screen as ultraviolet radiation will harm your eyes if you face it for long periods. Drink more water as well :)

* I just hit an insect with a book. I know it sounds gross but no choice, it irritates me by moving around in the area of my sight. *


Tuesday 7 June 2011


Fine, I got myself a blog again.
Actually I have no idea why I love signing up for new e-mails and blogs but non of it I use it very often and eventually I dumped them all.
Oops, sorry for those who have the same name to me, I seized lots of ID at gmail.

Oh the main point I need to mention, I changed my nickname as my previous one sounds childish and I am growing older already so it doesn't suit me anymore and might sound a little weird.
I am not a small kid anymore, I do not need a name which sounds so cute like "kawaii neh~".
Charlotte, this name makes me think of a girl who lives at countryside with a big smile on her face, run freely everyday and nothing could pull her away from happiness.
Hope that this name will change my personality from pessimistic to a person who often smile, just saying.
